Sunday, July 01, 2007

Coffee Anyone? had been link to much diseases from heart palpitation to stroke and now asthma? Well, there are the statistics and there ARE the statistics. Sigh...needless to say, I am a coffee drinker and I love coffee. And I have to admit that no amount of statistics can prevent me from enjoying my cup of coffee in the morning or at coffee breaks.

There was a time when someone suggested that coffee can be the cause I am having itchy skin...and I was "forced" to stop drinking coffee for a period of time. I DID. But then I went back to my beloved coffee again after skin was better. Well, the skin problem is still there off and on but I can still have my coffee. It made the eczema more bearable...whether coffee was the cause or effect of it... *Smile*

(Word count 142)

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