Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Don't try this Diet at home

"My doctor has advised me to give up those intimate little dinners for four, unless, of course, there are three other people eating with me."
-Orson Welles

Don't get desperate! Don't jump on the fad diet bandwagon. Man does not live by celery alone. Horror stories abound of fad dieters who have harmed their bodies, sadly some even lost their lives, by ignoring their need for a holistic approach to losing weight.

When a little boy was asked what he would do when he got big like his daddy. He quickly replied, "Stop eating jelly doughnuts!" Common sense is just as important as carbohydrates. We don't have to give up reasonings just because we gave up chocolate fudge cake. We need caution. You've heard the saying, "Don't try this at home." It might just as well be said about diet. Perhaps the best place to start a sensible diet is at the doctor's office. Start with a professional opinion about weight loss, not the advice on page one of the so called weight loss magazines at the grocery checkout counter.

It is important that we get the whole view on health and diet. Be sure that our bodies' need for nutrition are met, even as we reduce the intake of food.

1 comment:

  1. it's a good reminder to us that we really have to have a check up regularly, i myself have neglected my health and i have lots of physical worries these days^^
