Monday, November 12, 2007

Week Number 91

1) Which one person would you choose to understand you better?

My sister. And for me to understand her better too. Relationships work both ways.

2) What do you think is the best age to be? Why?

For me is the 20's. Kind of still energetic but not hyper as in teens. Illness had made it less easy for me in my 30's now.

3) Of all the people you know, who would be the easiest to seduce? Why?

My hubby. Well, we are married now, aren't we? laughing

4) What's the best advice you didn't heed?

Go do some exercise. Now I can't fit in to most of my dresses, not to mention to the detriment of my health, emotionally and physically.

5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

Public Domain Photo

If the clock is showing that time in the morning and I am looking at it, it means that I had a sleepless night. I have that rather often due to ezcema, which is a skin problem.

Meme from Curious as a Cat


  1. Hi! I am having a hard time to get back to my old shape also.I think I have to exercise but I really do not enjoy tiring myself that much!

  2. LoveLOVE your answer for #1--it's very true, and something I need to be more aware of, so thanks for that reminder.

    I also have fallen off the exercise wagon, but I haven't gained any weight in the past 5 years, so I can't be bothered. ;-)
