Bed bugs may be erroneously associated with filth in the mistaken notion that this attracts them. However, severe infestations are often associated with poor housekeeping and clutter. Bed bugs are attracted by exhaled carbon dioxide and body heat, not by dirt, and they feed on blood, not waste. In short, the cleanliness of their environments has effect on the control of bedbugs but, unlike cockroaches, does not have a direct effect on bed bugs as they feed on their hosts and not on waste. Good housekeeping in association with proper preparation and mechanical removal by vacuuming will certainly assist in control.
One can use mattress covers that completely zips up the mattress sealing it entirely so that no bugs can get in or out. As long as the bugs can’t bite you, there isn’t any harm with having them there. They will die out eventually without food. The encasement or mattress covers can come in either fabric or vinyl.
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