Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Gondolas of Venice

Most of us will think of gondolas when we hear about Venice. The romantic gondola rides and canals amidst the ancient looking buildings and bridges. Venice is a city in northern Italy, the capital of region Veneto. It has been called "City of Water", "City of Bridges", and "The City of Light" and is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are many museums, art galleries, historical monuments and accommodations at Venice Hotels. Alternately if you are visiting nearby places, you can also check out more options here at Rome Hotels and Barcelona Hotels in Spain.

Speaking of the gondolas, they have been a part of Venice since the 11th century. With its slim hull and flat underside, the craft is perfectly adapted to negotiating narrow, shallow canals. There is a slight leftward curve to the prow, which counteracts the force of the oar, preventing the gondola from going around in circles. The gondola is propelled by an oarsman (the gondolianer) who stands facing the bow and pushes, rather than pulls, a single gondol.

In 1562 it was decreed that all gondolas should be painted black to stop people making an ostentatious show of their wealth. For special occasions they were decorated with flowers. A gondola for passengers may have a small open cabin, for their protection against sun or rain. Today, gondola rides are expensive and usually taken by tourists. Some though may still be in private ownership and use.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love Venice. It definitely is a very beautiful city indeed.
