Do you what is China clay? It is also know as kaolin which is derived from the Chinese words “kao” (high) and “ling” (ridge), meaning the hills of Kiangsi province where it was first found. The Chinese had been using china clay along with china stone to make their exquisite pottery. Perhaps you know it better as porcelain.
There are many uses for the porcelain today. Porcelain is known for its hardness, whiteness, glassiness, brittleness, durability, translucence, resonance, good electrical insulator, high resistance to chemical attack, thermal shock and high elasticity. So it is suitable for making furniture, sanitary and decorative wares, kitchen ware, pottery and sculptures. Its high resistance to the passage of electricity makes porcelain an excellent insulating material and it is widely used for high-voltage insulators. It is also used in dentistry to make false teeth, caps and crowns.
Photo courtesy of LondonPotters
Photo courtesy of LondonPotters
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