1. Are you a mentalist or an illusionist?
Mentalist-belief that everything exists in the mind: the belief that all objects of knowledge, including the physical universe, ultimately have no existence except as creations of the mind
1. magician: a performer of magical tricks
2.painter who makes pictorial illusions: an artist who creates pictorial illusions
I don't really know the words so use dictionary to clarify the definitions first. I am neither a mentalist or illusionist, I guess. I believe things exist and not only the physical things which my eyes can see but also spiritual beings exist. Not ghost or spirits but God and angels which the eyes cannot see. As for illusionist, I don't consider myself creative nor artistic at all.
Again I am not too sure what on a roll means. According to that interview (transcript), I gather it is being popular or something? To cause others to take note? So how shall I understand or answer this? People don't usually feel they are on the roll, I guess. They always want to be more successful if they are on the entertainment business or any other business, generally. The day one say they are at the Top, they are already falling.
3. How many performances a week?
Not a performer either.
4. Is there a little bit of Evel Knievel in you?
Nope. I try to live my life safe and sound.
5. How much of what you do is physical, by the way?
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