Thursday, December 27, 2007

Focus on the Positive

"The optimist has no brakes; the pessimist has no motor."
-Melvin M. Maxwell

Losing weight is a struggle. Maintaining good dietary habits doesn't come naturally to most people. I should know this since I can't cook nor can I stop my cravings for sweet stuff. A disastrous combination indeed. You can expect to become discourage from time to time. The key is, don't stay there. Don't look at where you are. Look at where you're going.

There is no need to be dominated by a setback. What is done is done. There will be times when you lose a battle or skirmish here and there. But that doesn't mean you've lost the war unless you quit. Dieting or weight control should always be in the future tense, not in the past tense. Dwell on where you are going, not on where you have been. The direction in which you choose to look will determine the course of your progress.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Serena.
    I have been struggling with my weight for two years now and I have to say that there really is no right way or wrong way. It depends on the person's will and right track of mind, as you said, be positive. My husband says that I am not overweight, but of course, he's my husband. I can tell and feel that I have put on more weight... Just like you, I so love sweets!
