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1. Best friends were all the thing in my high school days. You were only allowed to have one best friend, but, ever the rebel, I had several! What about you? Tell us about your high school best friend(s).
I am one of those who had one best friend in my junior high (13-15 years old) but several close friends when in senior years (16-17 years old). Hmm...those were the rebel years, alright. Nothing is more important than friends. That one best friend during junior high decided to join gangs and play truant at school and I have decided that that is the limit. She finally left school before graduating and threw her future down the drain.
2. Are you generally better friends with those of your own gender or those of the opposite? Or is it balanced between the two?
If this is still about school days, I came from an all girls' school so all my friends were girls. Nowadays, I would say that I am generally better friends with girls but I have a close online guy friend more than a decade younger than me.
3. As you get older, are best friends still important or does having a best friend get less important to your life?
Best friends are still important but I find that they take on different roles as time goes by. Meaning that my best friend could be my husband and mentor, my other best friend friend could be in another country whom I have not seen face to face before. The friendships somehow have more substance as our views and qualities that we cherished shifts. It is no longer someone whom you just share gossip of other students or teachers, etc.
4. Have you ever met any of your online friends offline? Did they match your mental picture of who they were?
Not yet but perhaps I will meet one soon.
5. Do you have a few close friends and more acquaintances? Or are you the opposite, with lots of very close friends and few casual ones?
I have more acquaintances than close friends. Perhaps I am sociable but at the same time a private person and therefore have fewer very close friends.
6. Are there any friends of the past that you would like to reconnect with?
Not really. I feel that friendship is a mutual thing and when our values or priorities in life changes relationships and friendships changes as well. So if ever a friendship is deteriorating and I have lost touch with certain friends, it means that it is time to move on. In this regard, I am not that sentimental about it.
7. If you could become insta-friends with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
I really have no idea. I can't imagine having any common ground with anyone famous who would have the time for the likes of me.
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