What can you if you have forgotten the password or someone had taken it with them and you need to access your documents in Word or Excel? Do you need to tear your hair out or be frantic about your documents being lost? Now you need not fear or be frustrated with Password-Studio (http://www.password-studio.com/). This is a software that recovers your passwords instantly for Access databases and for Word and Excel password recovery, the program uses both "Smart Dictionary" and "Bruteforce" hacking methods - which will make sure that your password is recovered as QUICKLY as possible!
There is guarantee (with full refund if it doesn't) for recovery of passwords for
There is guarantee (with full refund if it doesn't) for recovery of passwords for
- Microsoft Word documents, from Word 95 to Word 2007!
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, from Excel 95 to Excel 2007!
- Microsoft Access databases, from Access 95 to Access 2007!
I tried using a similar password recovery software before too, in my paranoia, I had important files PW protected and it backfired...lol