Saturday, March 22, 2008

Are Fixed Rate Mortgages Still Popular?

There have been a trend of first time property buyers being attracted to tracker rates (interest rate tied with the Bank of England base rate) rather than fixed-rate mortgages due to anticipation of interest rate cuts. Fixed Rate Mortgages are the most classic form of loan for home and product purchasing in the United States. The most common terms are 15-year and 30-year mortgages, but shorter terms are available, and 40-year and 50-year mortgages are now available for high priced housing.

However, in some
some countries, true fixed-rate mortgages are not available except for shorter-term loans. For example, in Canada the longest term for which a mortgage rate can be fixed is typically no more than ten years, while mortgage maturities are commonly 25 years. When there is some anticipation of a decrease in interest rates, it is likely that new potential home owners would easily opt for tracker mortgages or variable rate mortgages.

1 comment:

  1. hola amiga te agradecere me contestes a mi direcciòn, pues cogi la imagen de los ojos para mi blog, te agradecerè me digas si crees que habrà algùn problema, mi direcciòn es:
    copiala en tu navegador y escribeme, si no sabes español pueden traducirte estas palabras, asimismo seria prudente no me contestaras en el blog, luego de recibir tu respuesta dependiendo de lo que me digas actuarè en consecuecia y de paso te darè la direcciòn de mi blog.
    Tu blog muy interesante uso el traductor para leerlo...
    Ya veo que eres profesora, que cosa mas hermosa, el magistario es un sacerdocio que implica muchos sacrificios, hay que tener una gran vocaciòn para ejercer el magistario.

    Un saludo grandioso desde mi paìs, Santo Dominto, Republica Dominiana
