Vantage Point (film)
I have recently watched Vantage Point twice. It is really a fast paced action movie. I have not enjoyed an action movie since a long time. Although the gist of the movies only covers a brief 23 minutes before THE incident and a few short moments after THE incident, the movie had me gripping to my chair and anticipating the conclusion ever more so. And I was not disappointed. The ending clicks well together in the end and I was really satisfied with the movie until the very end.
The plots is about
the United States President Henry Ashton (William Hurt) holding an anti-terrorism summit in Salamanca. Over a twenty-three-minute period, an assassination attempt on the President unfolds. The film loops through this period over and over, each time from the perspective of a different participant, adding a new piece to the larger puzzle with each loop.
The official site: Vantage Point
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