Saturday, March 27, 2010

Swimming As Required In Some Occupations

carrying cagesImage by sarsifa via Flickr
Exercise, recreation and athletic training are the three most common purposes for swimming. We agree that swimming is an excellent form of exercise; it is a good way to relax; and it provides the opportunity for a full-body workout.

Swimming may also be a requirement in certain occupations. Here are six examples:


This work is given to someone who is an expert swimmer. Lifeguards man beaches, water parks, and swimming pools, and their job calls for overseeing the safety of those who use such facilities or places. It is no wonder that a lifeguard needs to be a qualified strong swimmer. He or she should be trained and certified in water rescue and should have the expertise in using appropriate equipment and applying first aid.

Marine Biologist:

This job requires the observation of animals and plants in their natural habitat. Specifically, a marine biologist studies the different life forms of the ocean from a scientific point of view. He or she performs his/her job in various capacities, such as in analyzing the behaviors of fish species, studying the interactions of life forms in an ocean environment, or examining microscopic life forms in a part of an ocean. Because of the nature of his/her job, a marine biologist must not only be very good in swimming but must also be a qualified scuba diver.

Coast Guard:

A member of this organization takes part in its various sea services. While its specific responsibilities may differ from country to country, there are areas of similarities, which include search and rescue at sea, border control and maintenance of seamarks, enforcement of maritime law, and overseeing the safety of vessels. Obviously from this job description, a coast guard member has to be an adept swimmer.

Other Military Services:

Members of Special Forces, such as the Navy SEALS and Marine Corps, participate in missions and services that require lots of swimming. Examples are when they have to approach/depart a location, do intelligence gathering, or engage enemies, all of which have to be performed out in the sea. Since their job entails regular exposure to large bodies of water, Navy and Marine Corps personnel are required to complete trainings in basic swimming and water survival.

Pearl Diver:

Because of advances in technology, pearl diving has become virtually an obsolete occupation. There still are, however, pearl divers in some countries who risk the dangers of the deep in search of enough pearl oysters. In many cases, they descend to depths of more than a hundred feet on a single breath. There shouldn't be any doubt that this job requires being very good in both swimming and deep diving.

Water Ballet Performer:

Some entertainment companies offer aquatic shows, many of which include water ballet performances. Water ballet is actually the swimming competition we know as synchronized swimming, in which performers move in synchronized patterns to a musical accompaniment. Definitely water ballet performers are professional swimmers.

Being good in swimming, therefore, gives one the distinct advantage of possessing good health and of having a wide range of opportunities for many things that life offers.
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