Thursday, December 06, 2007

How Can You Help the Elderly?

What do you do when your loved ones have reached The Golden Years? How do you view old age? What are some of the challenges that the elderly face? Is mental decline inevitable in old age? Should we send our loved ones to care homes and is that a wise choice? What can be done to promote peace of mind in the golden years?

Some of the challenges that the elderly faced are the fear of losing their mental faculties, depression, feeling lost and confused, feeling that they have been left behind in our modern fast-paced world, and feeling useless.

However, there are some good guidelines on how the elderly can overcome these challenges. Some problems may be treatable through appropriate medical treatment. Others had to look into their diet to determine if malnutrition could be the caused of some of the symptoms of memory loss or confusion. Engaging in productive activity can fill many fundamental needs of the older ones. It provides a sense of meaning and may even provide some income. Older adults who have limitations but are generous with their experience and resources are precious assets in their communities.

Nevertheless, some may faced the difficult decision of sending their loved ones to nursing homes for the elderly because they are not in a position to care for their aged parents, many of whom may be severely afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease or bedridden with some other debilitating malady that requires special round-the-clock care. In such cases nursing homes may be the only places capable of meeting these special needs. If a nursing home becomes needed for adequate care, the family should seek out one that is clean and staffed by kindly and competent care-givers. Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns at the forum with care homes.

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