Monday, December 17, 2007

Week Number 96

1) Finish this sentence: "I hate myself when I am sick and can't go outdoors to do what I wanted to do."

2) How much time do you spend on the phone or IMing with friends every day?
Hmm...depends on my mood. With the availability of internet, I would say I only spend about 5-10 minutes daily. This includes the time friends text back, of course. Perhaps weekends is longer period.

3) What strategy would you implement to deal with drug abuse in today's world?
Increase in spirituality and fear of God, strengthening of the family bond, choosing the right associates or friends, and if addicted seek medical and professional help.

4) What thing about your family are you least proud of?
Lack of affection. I don't mean that there is no love in my family ( I mean my parents and siblings), just that we don't show it through hugs or even handshakes. But we are learning to.

5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.

Public Domain Photo

I am a total clutz when it comes to tools. I would not know what or how to use those in the photo for sure.


  1. Great answers. I also feel awful when I'm sick--"so lazy"--and I agree with the family thing too.

    The tools in the photo aren't that hard to use. I call them Allen wrenches (they are also called hex keys) and they're basically weird-looking screwdrivers, mostly used for putting Ikea products together, or keeping certain kinds of doors unlocked.

    Anyway. Not sure why you "needed" to know that... ;-)

    Thanks for playing!

  2. Oh dear! I like your show and tell answers! I'm somewhat a clutz myself too, despite the fact that I'm supposed to be young and hip because of my age :D

  3. I answered on my blog, and then figured it would make more sense to answer you here so you'd know I answered! :-)

    Janet does the Friday Fill-In, among other things. I have several other blogs, but I'm always Cat. or some variation of that. It's too confusing (for me) otherwise!!

  4. Hi!About family closeness, I am learning and implementing that to my own family right now.
    Thanks for sharing a more personal Serena.
