Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fun Quizzes and Badges

Look what I' came across here! This is a fun section of the site "Settlement Quotes." I can see why these fun quizzes have become very popular on the internet. Look at some of these awesome and cute badges.

Find Out What It Takes to Live to 100 Years Old

Are You Addicted to StumbleUpon?

34%Are You Addicted to Stumbleupon?

Structured Settlement Cash

Financial Stability Quiz
Are You Financially Stable or Not?

Like I said, this is purely for fun ok? Check them out at if you like these badges or you are into quizzes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just waiting for someone to make one that tells you how addicted you are to web quizes that tell you how addicted you are to stuff!
